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Conversations on Health Policy

08 May: The Quality Conundrums of public health services – of NQAS and beyond!!

We know that markets do not work to assure quality health care!! But what does? Over the last 15 years, the NHM has developed the National Quality Assurance System (NQAS) to assure quality in public health services. What is NQAS? Is it working? Is it scaleable? Is it enough? This conversation between Yogesh Jain and Sundararaman, the 8th in our series, explores the answers!!

07 Mar: Politics of Pandemic Agreement- A Beginners Guide

Much of what is said in the Negotiating Text of Pandemic Agreement is necessary and welcome. But is it sufficient to ensure that we never again have to experience the social, economic, health and human rights catastrophe that we have just been through during the Covid 19 pandemic??”