Health Systems Study Methods and Research
One interesting publication in this regard describes the making of a technical report to guide urban health policy . The Report itself is available in the governance section, but this publication on the making of policy is linked here: Reflections on Participation and Knowledge-Making as Part of India’s National Urban Health Mission, Technical Resource Group Recommendations Exercise (Devaki Nambiar, Rajib Dasgupta, Sundararaman, Pratiba Panwar, et al) .
Yet another case study, available only as an abstract describes the institution of Common Review Mission in the paper: Common Review Mission: reflections on a concurrent evaluation measure. (Pragati Singh T Sundararaman Rajani Ved Padam Khanna et al). The CRM is an annual exercise which began in 2007 and has continued ever since. It has played a significant role in assessing and evolving strategies for strengthening the National Health Mission as a Mission to strengthen public health services as public goods.