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Legal Frameworks – International Issues

Legal International

We begin this collection with a link to the  National Health Security Act , 2002 of Thailand.

We intend to develop a commentary on this but as an interim measure we have posted an explanatory power-point presentation that was used in the International Peoples Health University- short course held in Bangkok in 2022.

Then we also attach Thailand’s Right to Health Act, 2007 and provide links to Thailands Public Health Act (1992) and Primary Healthcare Act, 2018. There is also a UN commentary on Thailand’s Legal Framework.

  1. National Health Services Act, 1946 of United Kingdom
  2. The Right to Health Act of South Africa
  3. The right to health act of Brazil
  4. Right to Health in the South East Asian Region (a WHO publication).
  5. Right to Health in Constitutions in SE Asia ( a WHO publication)

Then we include the full General Comment 14 on Right to Health of the International Covenant on Social, Economic and Cultural Rights, and provide links to the other key international documents on the Right to Health. We add a note with a quick summary of important quotations from these international documents.

Finally there is an ongoing discussion in many international circles about the relationship of UHC to RTH. We provide links to two articles in the Lancet, one on Realising the right to health for all people and another on UHC and Right to health.