2024 December


30 Dec: Conversations on Health Policy 2024: Year- end Reflections

As 2024 draws to a close, we take the opportunity to re-share the full series of nineteen “Conversations on Health Policy” published online by the RTH Collective over the course of the year. We also take a moment to reflect on the series as a whole and on the intent and directions with which we undertook the building of this web resource and our hopes for its evolution. Wishing you a happy new year…


16 Dec: Digitization of Health Services: Part II designing health information systems that are fit for purpose!!

Digitization of public health information systems has greatly increased the burden of data-work of frontline health care providers, reducing the time available for healthcare. But though huge volumes of data are generated, data-reliability remains low and its use in improving health outcomes uncertain. Ironically, HMIS, once the subject of health sector reforms, has now become one of its main objects. In this conversation, learning from the past, we propose some principles of design that would help develop HMISs that are more fit for purpose.


07 Dec: Digitization of Health Services – Part I Decoding the Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission ( ABDM)

The ABDM is India’s ambitious push for digitization in the health sector. In this conversation, four researchers who have been associated with the design and implementation of healthcare IT systems, take a closer look at the ABDM and strive to understand what the program set out to do, what it has done and where it is headed. They explore what ABDM offers for the problems of access, equity and quality of care and the information needs of public health managers. Or has digitization become an end in itself? There are challenges but there are opportunities too….