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State Government Policies and Programmes

State Government Policies and Programmes

This part of the collection has to be built up. We make a small beginning by drawing attention to the very recent release of a special issue of the International Journal of Health Equity, exclusively on kerala. All the eight  papers  of this issue are on open access.

We draw attention to one paper in this edition: Kerala’s progress towards universal health coverage: the road travelled and beyond. Adithyan, G., Ranjan, A., Muraleedharan, V.R. et al.

We also share an unpublished paper that was prepared for  the Kerala government at their request reviewing Kerala’s efforts at Health Systems Strengthening and recommendations on the way forward. We also share a similar report on Building Public Healthcare System in Tamil Nadu:What Must Government Do in the  next 3 Years? written in year 2021.

This is a very incomplete collection. A very preliminary stage.