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Global Governance and Global Health Policy

Global Governance and Global Health Policy

For those wanting a comprehensive introduction to Global Health Governance and even a overall introduction to global health policy and practice we recommend “ Text book of International Health” Third  Edition by Anne-Emanuelle Birn, Timothy H. Holtz, and Yogan Pillay (2009) .  A fourth edition  of this same book called the Text Book of Global Health is also available. It is unlikely that any one paper could do justice to this theme.

One useful paper that follows one part of the development of global health policy is “ The Origins of Primary Health Care and Selective Primary Healthcare by Marcus Coeto.

In the peoples health movement framework a good introduction is David Sanders classic “ The Struggle for Health: Medicine and the Politics of Underdevelopment.” A recent posthumously published revised version of this is available. The good news- a public full text is available. The link is attached.

Another excellent repository of material on global health policy is the Peoples Health Movements’ WHO Tracker.  This has all the resolutions and reports adopted by the World Health Organization in the last decade along with a critical appraisal from the peoples health movement. It takes time to learn to use this portal and to explore it to find what you need, but its well worth the effort.

Regulation is one major component of Health Governance. We share a study report onBest Practices and Models for Private Sector Regulation.”   which is a cross-country analysis of several models of private sector regulation, done in year 2017 with WHO support.

To give readers an overview of all the sub-themes that constitute the domain of Health Governance we share “Strengthening Health Systems Governance-Better Policies, Stronger Performance  a publication of the European Health Observatory. Though it cannot be used as such by researchers or practitioners in LMICs, and is not framed within the critical political economy understanding of the other documents, it is still a good overview of the topic that we recommend.